Natural Order provides a full range of services to assist you. Our focus is to create spaces that both emphasize the best features of your property and inspire the prospective homeowner’s imagination. Let us tell you how we work!

Action planning
Our itemized Action Plan is a set of written recommendations designed to improve the sale quality of your home. Each unique Plan includes details on improving every room of your home. After seeing your home, we will send you the personalized Plan within three business days.

Beginning steps
We first review and evaluate your home in a 1-3 hour consultation. As we walk through each room and exterior space, we take notes for your Action Plan. Our specific recommendations often include removing clutter, painting and making minor household repairs. Now is the time to begin the moving process! You may wish to do the packing and painting, or you can hire us to manage those doing the work.

Creating a look
Our goal in Staging your home is to make it appeal to the widest number of buyers. We want prospective buyers to visualize themselves at home when they walk through your front door. Once the initial repairs have been completed and clutter removed, we can help you rearrange the furnishings to highlight the best features of your home. This may take one day or several, depending on the size and condition of your home.

Display your home
It is difficult to live in a perfect-looking home, so the last step in our Action Plan is instruction on how to keep your home in ‘Staged’ condition each time it is viewed.

Empty spaces
We recommend featuring some furniture in each room because furniture makes any room look larger, and buyers love extra square feet! In addition, minor imperfections in furniture-less rooms, such as small spots on the carpet or walls, become major deterrents to a sale. When selling a vacant house we advise bringing in some furnishings, so buyers can better visualize living in your rooms.

Every situation is different and our services are flexible. Please contact Natural Order for more information and prices.

To look at something as though we had never seen it before requires great courage. -Henri Matisse